
Checklists do not sound sexy. The term reminds us of rigidity and being controlled.
Yet, checklists can help free us from the mundane and focus on the really important.
Having surgery is a lot safer thanks to hospital checklists. You might want to add checklists to your own life.

For instance, you might want to create a checklist for an annual check-in with yourself. Once a year, you want to ...

      set annual milestones

      annual (January)

      monitor health vitals (note blood pressure/sugar, weight)

      annual (January)

      review subscriptions, insurances & finances

      annual (January)

      file taxes

      annual (January)

Or you might be a team manager that wants a recurring checklist to help you pace your team:

      recertify data & admin access

      annual (January)

      recertify algorithmic fairness & correctness

      annual (January)

      review cloud infrastructure costs

      annual (January)

      review data privacy & security protocols

      annual (January)

Checklists may have a beautiful impact in your life, if you let them.